Sunday, September 09, 2007

sonal is home . dreamgirls.

i had thought that dreamgirls might be nice for sonals first day at home since her accident. after all we both love musicals. in this one the history of black music is told through a story of a fictional supremes style girl group and goes through the arc of discovery, success, travails and resurgence. not that the predictable story was a problem. the real issue were the new songs written to mimic the sounds of the old. although the sound did seem fairly authentically replicated it was the words and the over singing that completely destroyed it- hackneyed words and excessive vocal pyrotechnics that sounded like an 'american idol' finale. i think there is a problem when while watching a musical you are constantly waiting for the songs to get over and get back to the silly plot.

1 comment:

Parul Gahlot said...

Hey! Wish Sonal a speedy recovery!