the prudishness of the museum art gallery did not allow these particular naked men to display their wares at jehangirs show. this photograph was placed in the exhibition instead with the proud disclaimer that it had violated the code of decency of the museum gallery authorities and other organisations.while the aggressor's offending exposed organ has been hidden in this image by a strategically placed thigh the victim has to suffer the double indignity of having his penis removed by photoshop pixellation. the rest of the exhibition consisted of more golden, neon lit mythical references that i did not get and paintings of black figures on a spray painted kaleidoscopic background with scientific instruments and organs free floating within. hmm.
err excuse me, but it is now 10days 13hours 27mins and 36sconds since you last posted!...why??
YOU haven't blogged in a while. Something's fishy... Do I smell a mystery waiting to be solved? Murder? Kidnap? Boredom? Depression? Study-trip?
Whats happened?. Are you there?. Well, no blog since a long time missing on catching up on whats happening.. Maybe you are not well, hospital, travelling somewhere with no internet connection, found a girl ,kidnapped, murdered,on drugs, dazed haven't paid for internet connection??????????????????
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