swimming pools in the city
a quarry on the other side - now a "lake"
anne from berlin called powai hiranandani complex 'mumbai's florida' yesterday. the first two are views from a new apartment that we might be doing; while the lower two peek over the landscape mounds on a main street to look at the workers housing.
I've no clue what Florida is like, never having been there. But I often think Mumbai is a city of islands...not just geographically but socially as well. Or perhaps that isn't the right word to use. What I mean is that little clusters/semi-townships exist virtually independent and self-contained. It's the commuting between those islands that really kills you. What's the architect's perspective on this?
Remember 'The Truman Show' - that's florida!!!
sighh... this is home...
i want to come back to hiranandani!
ya....look at the SUN, i havent seen it since 2 weeks now...could someone send me a photo of just the sun somehow???
shitty place.. screwed up traffic.. thts powai for u...
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