just off lamington road and in the crook of kennedy bridge is congress house. nice middle class paartment complex whihc was the headquarters of the indian national congress with building names like sarojini bhavan and tilak bhavan. directly across the road is the bombay sangeet kalakar mandal- probably a euphemism for the heart of the mujras and later the bar dancers of the city. i wonder where they are now. while we stood there in the drizzle girls in strappy saris got off taxi cabs and chatted nonchalantly with one another coming in and out of the doorway. our minds were racing.
on falkland road the windows are double panelled. when both levels are open you can see the whole body in the window but you can also open only the lower windows so that you can look out and be seen by those on the street while sitting on the floor.
Listen I haven't read the post (becaus Im laaazy) but the pictures look so lovely and mucky that I sooo wanna be there right now.... sigh.... :(
i have been to this place. you feel really sad and helpless when see those girls not even out of their teen working as you know what......
I want to help in any way. Can you lead me.
I am a professional chemical engineer working with central government.
Please at least reply.
Sid, i understand what you feel about them and still find yourself helpless. But after all you are not tree who stand still even after knowing the truth. How u can help? I am not sure! But there are lots of options. You can involve yourself in rescue operations (I am doing this for over few years now and rescued many girls from flesh trade by carrying active raids). Or you can involve yourself in re-rehabilitation, human trafficking prevention measures (creating awareness in places badly hit with human trafficking like Bengal, Nepal, Bangladesh) or there are lots of other options. It depends what you find challenging. But let me tell you if you are emotional person then this is a tough job as their stories will certainly disturb you. You can any associate yourself with NGOs who are working for this cause. Let me know I can help you out with NGO thing and how you can start working with them.
Affan Shemle
Hi Affan, can you tell me about the ngos who are working for these women. You can contact me on ruubina.shah@yahoo.co.in. Thanks
Nobody can help them...past 6month I'm involving with several whore in lamington road...if anybody need any information ...call me 9768284633...satishkumar
LoL I was passing buy from there I didnt know abt that it was such a place hehehe
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