Thursday, May 04, 2006

printed rainbow

in ‘printed rainbow’ gita raos 15 minute animated film an old woman through her matchbox collection dreams her way out of a dreary grey cityscape into palaces from mandu, truck rides across the country, forests and a house in a serene countryside . at a preview screening at dimple theater in bandra, yesterday so many film makers got their kids along. i used to be terrified of animated characters and the strangeness of the surroundings when i was a child. i wonder how yesterdays film affected them.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should have asked them...

Great to find out about gita rao.


Anonymous said...

Well, no films for Meha at least for a while. Specially not any made by my friends anyway! Films with the undertone of heaviness and sadness, however beautiful, are clearly not to be inflicted on the unspoilt sensibilities of infants whose life quite clearly "is elsewhere".

On another note, how come you've said nothing more about this film? DOES IT MEAN ANYTHING ??!

Mukul said...

oh yes! no ghatak for meha for sure!

Anarchytect said...

means nothing, really.. just did not have much to say.. very nice drawings.. beautiful images.