Wednesday, July 26, 2006

'pirates of the caribbean - dead mans chest' - 'hellboy'

spending quality time with ak meant that we saw a film at pvr today- together. ‘pirates of the caribbean- dead mans chest’. ak and me had seen the first part in nearby chandan when it was released a few years back. stuffed with more of the same as before i expected to be mind numbingly entertained by the new film.. i was, and then i was again,, and then again.. and again.. until the entire film became one long action sequence with hardly anything to tell the beginning apart from the end. and since there is a third part to the series even when the end does finally arrive it leaves you nothing much to take home.. except for a few gags and a really long swordfight. i would have liked a tiny tiny outline of a plot though.

like ‘hellboy’ which i saw again, this time on tv. the plot naturally has something to do with portals leading to other worlds from where evil beings shall emerge to destroy the world unless our hero can stop them. silly – but still a plot.

if i had superpowers i think i would like to be a firestarter. i always liked the human torch until the x-men film. liz in this film was cool burning blue fire roasting everything around.

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