Saturday, February 19, 2011

cape karma . the kids are all right . the karen carpenter story . before night falls .

'cape karma' was more than most other new 'alternative' hindi films but much less than pankaj advani's other films that i had seen. some of the madcap free association madness creeps through in the beginning; but later on as the plot begins to unravel the film begins to become predictable. the pschotic madness of sankat city or urff professor is lost as all the plot lines are tied up in a neat ending.

'the kids are all right' is a drama about a lesbian couple and their kids from a sperm donor should be crazier than this. traditional feel good family values are extolled in a format seen many times before in too many hollywood films. still very watchable though.

on the other hand, todd haynes debut film twists the american dream. shifting between stop action animation, newsreel, songs and moral lessons about food disorders in a format we are all familair with and whatever he can lay his hands on he tells the story of karen carpenter the deep voiced popstar of the 70s and her eventual death by overdose.

julian schanbel's 'before night falls' is another biopic- this time about a cuban gay writer who is persecuted because of his sexuality in havana. eventually he leaves and comes to america only to die in new york. america here is the land of freedom and opportunity that everyone wants to get to. in one scene a friend tries a hot air balloon crossing that fails and in another our hero played by javier bardem, tries crossing in a tyre. for some reason the film started to piss me off.

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