Saturday, February 19, 2011

tron legacy . the autobiography of nicolas ceausescu

'tron legacy' was awful. the plot was silly as was the premise of a man entering inside a computer and being caught inside 'the grid'. his son enters too to find himself in a world of racing bikes and hot chicks. even the special effects couldn't save this one from being a bore.

of all the films in this set, my favourite is 'the autobiography of nicolae ceaucescu'. we only see the romanian dictator in his public persona. newsreel footage is loosely assembled almost chronologically. we see him take oath, survey disasters, give speeches, travel around the world. the film is also bookended by the ad-hoc tribunal before he was shot. the pace is easy and the film 3 hours long. there is no attempt at a behind the scenes or a psychoanalytic study of the man. instead in the gestures, looks, words that he gives to the camera; in the servile behaviour of everyone around him; in tiny gestures that happen in the margins when no one is looking but the camera is still running; we see him brutal and self obsessed.

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