a sign in colaba for all the white skin who came to india seeking the glamour of being knee deep in third world filth, to make their holidays in india into a true adventure in the wild, here is an easy to use and access way to be truly daring. and as in the taj, ms sophie and her swiss boyfriend change into their tight summer t-shirts and shorts, picking the oldest and most crumpled pair of khaki trousers- in dharavi the insides of the houses on the tourist walk are rearranged into the right state of disorder.
a very unusual business .But a very profitable one but . Never imagined any thing like that can exist. Now we can also open some organisation like that.. " DhArAvi TouR & TRAVELS pvt Ltd"
we had a joke about how all these tours can acctually sum up with a lecture in our college!!!!!!!!
it's frustrating(and a little bit scary) how everything is made into a spectacle or sensationalised for money. i wonder if tourism is all about that
Aare, imagine opening your window early morning for a good stretch... only to find some 30-odd cameras snap at your half-decent self. But its good for the tourist from, say Brazil, who'd think.. "Ya, India's not so different... bah!".. But these absurd tours 'sensationalize' even the most mundane things ya.... "OOooo, India's sooo fasinating".. The Brazilian's tour is made.
i have seen this sign before! two yrs ago maybe. i had all plans to go!!
Good lord
I'm horrified!
im very shocked. very! my jaw dropped when i saw the image
im very shocked. very! my jaw dropped when i saw the image
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