final jury of the second year project today. i was very pleased with the result. the students had done a terrific job and according to us the growth rate in so many of them was great. the project had asked them to develop projects for themselves in between two terrains- the first that they measured and drew- a monastery, a palace, a market and a village; and the second a conceptual terrain that we built loosely around the themes of history and memory. some of the projects developed fairly sophisticated approaches, others at least had interesting architectural ideas. the load bearing question was pushed to the extreme that it could. next year they make working drawings for these. some images below.
devika's sound box for chants
vishal's graveyard of princely states
apurva and her model of the museum that changes every minute of the day
maitri's mad models of the monks' rooms of their own
nikhar's exhibition space/ landmark
nupoor choreographing a confrontation between the memorabilia of the tourist and the memories of the locals.
kairav housing the monks
vyoma revealing the palace
samarth widens the stair into an amphitheater
sifa contracts and expands space in a spiral
i dont know whether its due to the site or the program or something else, but all these projects seem to be lot more experiment-ative than any of our class's 2nd yr bikaner projects. i feel the site had a lot to do with it.
very nice work.. really liked this jury, and the pictures are damm nice too!
hey kunal, i dnt think good ideas need to emerge from great physical site conditions.the problem with our bikaner project was a lot to do with the way the project was designed and the almost suffocating emphasis laid on our architectural response to the sitefrom the very beginning.
- jeenal
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