part one
the kamla raheja gold medal - the reprisal. the change of the rules last year meant that we had to hold the award again for all who felt wronged because of the ‘extra time’ that some of the other students got for their work. and as is usual with this class it started out controversially and ended controversially. first there was the entire fiasco of a student ( and her rather vociferous father) feeling wronged by the school for not automatically giving her the gold medal because she had already been cited earlier. we were actually sympathetic to her until a point until we realized that she had called up a juror the previous night and had complained. after that all sympathy vanished.
the jurors were kamu iyer, pinkesh shah, vandana ranjitsingh and anant raje from ahmedabad. the work was generally of a very mediocre standard except for a few students (or at least so i thought) the comments as was to be expected were largely based on architectonic issues and regarding the perhaps too ambitious complexity of the projects chosen. i am still not convinced- but i understand what they are saying.
at the end there was a big debate around whether the gold medal should be given at all or should we settle for 3 citations. the discussion was to continue over dinner. the result is today.

rajiv's apartment complex

khyatee's controversial opera house project

nimit's madhavbaug thesis

ateya's library

ateya's museum of sciences
part two
sea view with four generations of krvia. sonal, niket, rachna, kausik, mohua, shekhar, ninad, ateya, saurabh, me and sachin. a gorgeous sky.

rachna, kausik, mohua

mohua, shekhar

ninad, ateya, saurabh

sonal shah, niket

sachin bhoite

part three
at the airport to pick mukul coming back from chennai with saurabh. we bumped into vandana and raje waiting for rajes wife to arrive, and rahul mehrotra.
dinner at cascade, thakur complex.

mukul and saurabh at cascade
1 comment:
hey rohan bhai
ask mukul bhai why no call frm him and tried his number some problem wz the network it was not going thru.
by the way tera trip kab hai man
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