Sunday, July 31, 2005

writers block

it is always more difficult to end a new post to the blog than it is to begin it. the general arc of the narrative gets extremely tough to resolve. the urge for a well paced build up or a climactic denouement puts too much pressure on me and i find myself wondering where a particular piece is going. i find this aspect to writing to be very trying. also i hate reading what i write a week from when i have written it. it always seems under or over written, too silly or too pompous. i am embarrassed by who i was when i was writing the particular piece i am re-reading. how do professional writers manage? i cant even handle my little experiments here.


Mukul said...

same pinch. i too find my earlier posts pompous, exhibitionistic and too constructed.

but is that a problem?

Parul Gahlot said...

I think that your posts sound more like research papers written in completion of a Phd or something. Most of the time I find myself thinking I should have a dictionary or a thesaurus to be able to truly understand and do justice to what you write especially the film reviews. I always wanted to tell you that but felt that may be I need a better vocabulary.
On the other hand when you write so technically about a film the instinctive reaction may get lost completely in the jargon.
At the end of the day you should write exactly what you are comfy with! That's the whole point of having a blog.