saw another hollywood summer blockbuster hopeful from last year yesterday. ‘the core’. to kick start the earths core a group of americans drive a phallic cylinder down to the center and set off a series of nuclear explosions. the earth gets an orgasm and life on the planet is saved.
and then there was ‘catwoman’
whoever thought that halle berry could be catwoman needs a brain transplant. michelle pfeiffer had sizzled her way into all my childhood fantasies in black leather since i saw her in tim burtons ‘batman returns’. that was the real catwoman movie as the character stole the show away from michael keatons bland batman and danny devitos annoying penguin. she had all the best lines – and easily the best costume. the story lines and some of the shots in both the films are so similar you inevitably compare the two movies. the revenge drama, the making of the costume, the resurrection scene in which mysterious cats breathe new life into the dead woman; and even the miaow she purrs after her first outing as catwoman are seen in such similar contexts.
as a storyline - somewhere a pseudotext about the exploitation of women by the beauty industry is attempted. rather pathetically. sharon stone plays the evil empress of a cosmetic company selling addictive permanent youth cream that will destroy the faces it’s trying to save. what makes it worse and even more ironic that berry is the spokesperson for l’oreal in another life. in the original comics, as well as film catwoman had no real special powers. she was just a kick ass kung-fu fighter with a mean whip. the decision to give catwoman some superpowers have merely made her into another computer generated special effect. berrys bland face does not help relieve that.
halle berry, if you’ll forgive me, has no sex appeal whatsoever. extremely beautiful she may be, but really, besides looking pretty enough in the very hot new catwoman outfit she over does the femme fatale bit so that she looks like a pre-teen girl desperately trying to ooze sex appeal. embarrassing.
i love superhero films and thought that this gave the entire genre a bad name. looking forwards to x-men 3 now, and superman returns, and pirates of the caribbean 2- and mission impossible 3. all due for release soon. silly hollywood summer blockbuster festival does not seem like its going to end soon.


.. and watching her 'emote' is much worse..
cheeee!!!! kill them re! but these new catwoman plots are all like that-
like shes ngo womann... but usually she is wreaking havoc on world for the sake of wild animals or something-i will not watch i will get angry and throw something
hey halle berry isnt all that bad.
she just sucks in this movie,which sucks as much as the movie itself.
i happened to catch last night too since i was so tired i couldnt even bring myself to switch channels.
i almost succeeded in avoiding it altogether for the past 2 years or so
cmon you KNOW that movie is crappy even before it starts.
i rather liked halle berry in tomorrow never dies.
just till she walks out of the water and sips that mohito or whatever :)
yah sonu...catwoman crying over animal testing ,na?
michael keaton is the WORST batman ever.
no jaw.
in both batman 1 & 2,he just looks stunned throughout the movie that tim burton actually chose him to play the role.
actually batman returns should have been named catwoman.
i actually thought she tried too hard even in tomorrow never dies. she never seems to exude sexiness. her so called hotness i believe is a well oiled hollywood myth- like the direction skills of steven spielberg in his "serious" films.
she might have the body, btu does not have the attitude for sizzle. after all, dont we all know that sex appeal is not in the looks. queen latifah is far more sexy.
i agree.
I rather liked halle berry's body in tomorrow never dies.
but michelle pfeiffer tried too hard in one fine day.
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