saurabh watching

prasad, prajna and sachin (with ubaid butting in)
another madh party.. this time a goodbye.
saturday night by prasad and prajna.
the geography of these parties remains unchanged. it starts off at the road where we can never seem to find our way to the location- the dark road where every turn looks the same, the only locators being the gruesomely huge rcc luxury palaces.
once at the place the first layer is the muddy parking lot from where we can barely recognize the silhouettes of familiar bodies backlit by the tubelight in the verandah ahead.
then the dancefloor, where we dance in the rain. the two sides of the floor is where the tired groovers retreat to.. to cuddle close to each other or to ponder over lifes unanswered questions. this time these conversations were even more ‘heavy’, what with new loves emerging and the separations expected.
then there is the verandah where the party generally begins. the waiting area before the alcohol gets you out into the floor and the place where permanent watchers like dnyanesh perch nursing their drinks. this is also the bar and the djs haunt. the music is vineshs baby and he lets a song play for about three seconds before changing the speed or cutting the chorus out, much to all our frustration. the food is also piled up here with paper plates and plastic forks. the chicken biryani is dependably good.
the inside room is the last of the main layer of spaces. here piles of mattresses lie waiting for various drunken bodies to fall on them. i have not, for a long time, waited long enough to sleep on them. and this time mukul drove us home- ranjit, sonal, chitra, sachin- and sonals friend nidhi from delhi.
vinesh - the dj
mukul, chitra, aditya
1 comment:
saurabh looks like kaushik mukhopadhyay in the 1st pic...
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