paro at the party

archana and me on page 3

paro . ajay
i totally flunked out as a moderator for a discussion on paros’ film on public toilets at ncpa yesterday. i was nervous as hell in the beginning when i was to start the discussion, but just one question from the audience and paro completely took over. she answered all the questions that i could have possibly asked in a long monologue. the only thing useful i did, i think was silence a guy who asked her why she did not show any queues if her film was called q2p.
afterwards the party was at café universal where breezer after beezer had me very high, and the mirchi ice cream at bachelors made the evening even stranger. nandini on the way back was full of fabulous gossip about the sex lives of film stars. note to self- midlands mahim date required with her for more sex lives of the super sexy. the rest of it was called 'lookism' by so called friends. though they did say i did it well.
and the film.. i liked q2p in the way that it connected everyday practices to the control and the access to the public sphere and the restrictions that they place on the body. the sulabh museum does seem like a riot.
today in college it was jury day. second year first project on the ‘performative’ which to me seemed to be more about the act of turning a model up side down or twisting wire than about a body performing in space. unfortunately the two were equated too often for my own comfort. the drawings were snazzy, the presentations ‘cool’. the jurors were happy.
and then harsh and saurabh presented their fellowship papers. congratulations!
samina mishra showed ‘the house on gulmohur avenue’ in college today tracing the relationship of place and identity through her own personal history. the question answer session turned out to be more interesting at the end when ateya asked her about the choices she made regarding representing herself on screen and the parallel stories from okhla that she used in the film; and when siddarth tried to talk about how one constructs ones identity through association (and denial). it seems that the film was shown parallel to paros ‘where’s sandra?’ and i can understand the parallel. place and identity – gender, religion and the idea of belonging.

first year workshop

second year jury