from sea view yesterday we could see the great juhu beach cleansing under way. empty lawns replace mad vibrant food stalls. sanitized cityscapes for a view of the ocean from the road. ubaid, saurabh, mukul and me drank beer in a monsoon sunset as on the beach preparations were under way for ganesh chaturthi beginning tomorrow. this year 7/11 themes have been discouraged, 9/11 is no longer in vogue, siddhivinayak temple replicas seem to be the order of the day. i wonder whether they will also build the atrocious toilet styled so called security wall that has encroached on the pavement in the area.
u seem to be having a hell lot of fun for an architect!!!good for you....i've heard all along that architects hardly ever get time to look up from their plans and elevations....glad to see this one differ...
went through your entire blog over the last two years,..quite an impressive collection of thoughts there...
was at juhu beach yesterday after ages...i guess those stalls which had been a part of it's flesh and blood for so long had to go eventually... sometimes emotions have to be sacrificed to make way for progress.....
and well i've always found an uninterrupted view of the ocean mind numbing...it makes me feel there's so much more to see...
hey anonymous
your name? and thanks for the comment.
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