i realized what total twerp i was when i was 19 when today i saw mukuls tv shows- the shows that he conceptualized, scripted, hosted and co-edited for
i do discern a tongue firmly in cheek as i type these and i must slap myself for this cynicism. who the hell am i to say anything? at the age of 17 while mukul had the guts to go ahead with what he was passionate about i was a silly little self obsessed shy thin pointless boy with absolutely no sense of self. even the other people in the shows- the precocious young boys and girls (anasuya- you too) were astonishing with their confidence and articulateness. in such company i used to shrivel up and fade into the background when i was younger, as i felt too inadequate to be seen. even today i seem to be surrounded by these brilliant young minds that make me constantly consider and reconsider things that i might in my senility have taken for granted.
yesterday i wrote adityas letter of recommendation, today ateyas, last month ninads and now tomorrow saurabh. they are all in their mid-twenties and are bustling bundles of energy and intelligence. ‘enthu cutlets’ is what vidya calls the type. all of them are heading for their masters next year. and hopefully will be back soon. meanwhile, will there be more of these mad minds that keep us all on the edge.. we sure hope so.
Mukul always was a freak. I say that purely out of jealousy. I remember once we had gone to Ranchi to visit some relatives and had taken a journey in a Bihar state transport bus to see some waterfall abaout a 100 KM away. And someone stranger actually recognised Mukul. WOW! my brother was world famous in Bihar.
And there was one occassion one whwich he could not rustle up participants for his TV show so he roped in a couple of our cousins who were visiting and me to participate.
Speak for yourself, Mukul! As I sit nodding by the fire, jaded and faded, it's lovely to be called a 'precocious enthu cutlet'... especially by a sexy Anarchytect (even if he considers himself a late bloomer; methinks the man doth chuckle too much). And yes, you were phamus much before cable TV, as Anshuman says, and we were all very very proud of you. Tho there.
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