was at the sparc office in khetwadi today. the office is on the second floor of an old school building, built in stone with lovely
if the fulfillment of the life of an individual is the aspiration of all planning policies, then how do we address them when we don’t even begin to see who the individuals are. i don’t know how this is to be addressed. i have heard it said that since the informal systems of living and working are so resilient- they will survive anyway, so maybe we need not address them. the other option is to skirt the issue by allowing things to stay as they are. are these two poles the only solution? one a complete erasure based on an inability to engage with the complex reality on site , replacing what exists with a somewhat more pretty alternative; or the other to refuse to engage and to romanticize the horrific and degrading living conditions on site.
can a proposal instead also be a rhetorical device? a call to arms for an urgent reappraisal of what we consider to be the right standards for a reasonable ‘quality of life’. this would mean the undertaking of a utopian project. where the complexity of the site is the generator of a new typology for living, and not the blind spot in the new master planning efforts. where existing industry and community is celebrated and enabled rather than denied. already, dharavi has perhaps the highest density on the planet earth. no existing imagination can work. only a project that engages with radical reimagination can perhaps be viable. i am reminded of the utopias of archigram, peter cook, superstudio; even the megastructures of the futurists. have we finally reached the stage of hyper urbanity that these projects imagined? can their mega infrastructure and technocratic imagination open out a possibility for everyday life to celebrate in a new unusual way. I am angered when these proposals seem to care little for what exists but propose without compunction ideas that are ridiculous and unviable. but that does not mean that the responsibility for a new imagination for type does not exist. is there another vision? can we draw it?
what is antonio san'elia??
I've seen the model of archigram... are these futuristic models of cities? but how does that fit in with the current scheme of things? how can a future so removed from the present work for anything??
cept is like that?! euww! -prachi
was an italian futurist. for more info see kenneth frampton. i dont know whether such an imagination is appropriate.. probably not. i was merely wondering whether to imagine the future of dharavi we need to reconceptualise from scratch what 'appropriate' living is all about. all existing value systems seem inadequate. does that mean no value sustem can exist. i think that would be defeatist. perhaps, in that sense 'utopian' imaginations might be able to reformulate what 'recreation' space, 'industry', 'housing'mean- as it already seems as if they have completely different meanings in the hyperurbanity of dharavi (and mumbai) than the ones we assume through the received wisdom of history and planning standards.
i agree...the cept proposal from what you mentioned seems so done/boring/romantic and tired....of course i also remember a previous post where you had posted work from schools like AA and sci-arc...the opposite (even more ridiculous) pole...isnt there anything in between...but shouldnt the process be based more on an economic model which generate the (new) formal/spatial condition rather than the other way around??
i meant more a model based on industry...
i think it's quite convenient for certain futuristic models to ignore the existing value systems and in that sense create a certain 'utopian' idea which sort of lifts away from all existing ideas. anyways, a lot of these 'futuristic' models are made in a different time period (not negating their applicability completely) and for a different context.
i was asking about antonio san'elia cuz we were looking at a nursery school made by him in the 1930s. we did that for our ad analysis last year...our analysis was however, restricted to formal strategies... which was also fun
well. of course they often tend to be out of the world. but what world? and who says that the models developed elsewahere are applicable. there is no such presumption. i just think that its time to engage also with the imagination to create a sensitive 'alternative' vision- and not be completely bogged down by existing formal mechanisms. perhaps they need to be seriously reconsidered. inventive and unusual solutions are necessary- not just possible.
wow. one type of solutions from the past and one type from the future. reminds me of a dialogue from rang de basanti.
which one?
masti ki paathshaala?
nope.... ek paa(n)v past mein te ek paa(n)v future mein....wala monologue...y dialogue ??
ek paanv past mein, ek paanv future mein aur present pe moot rahe hai...
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