mom, gangadharan
yesterday night was pramod mamas 50th birthday; and the celebrations this time were held in a hired floor at the club millennium, juhu. all his friends and extended family from far off lands had arrived to dance and sing and eat. as is traditional in our overly theatrical family, a skit was written in his honor that sketched out his ‘life so far’ in the teasing sarcastic affectionate way that seems to be the tone for all our family functions. the poor guy had to reenact a hawaiian dance performance from his childhood with swaying hips, a halo and two white wings aattached to his back. i was also enlisted as item number with ‘bachna ae haseeno’ and then later with ‘kajra re’ as abhishek, with nitin playing amitabh and apurva aishwarya . much dancing followed. and much drinking too. more fun than i dared imagine.
lobby - club millenium
sunita 'maushi'?
rohan anand nikhil
rahul tanay
aaji sushma dancing
kumud and suman aajis dancing..
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