for all the hype regarding it- and not only the bombay times kind- the art spectacle at jehangir was disappointing to say the least. all right- so one space was white and the other black. the black one being the labyrinth where rooms were made for art work that ranged from the bad to the mediocre, while the white room where capsules were found in between narrow corridors where projections and site installed sculpture were placed. in all of them was the silliest form of social commentary or random act of creating ‘beauty’ whatever they conceived of it as. none of the art had anything to do with the space itself. and even those that did were so godforesakingly childish- it was embarrassing -the room with the fake grave and the photograph of christ dying for example.
soi day 2 was better than day 1. foregoing the bombast of the first day, they had opted for classical pieces by beethoven and mozart which were very ordinary- but later the orchestra got into its groove with a schubert trio, mussogrsky’s ‘pictures at an orchestra’ where images are made into music- and a lovely outtake from madame butterfly sung by two girls in full japanese costume.
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