Thursday, July 03, 2008

blanket statement - i like... because...

compulsive cross-indexer of everything under the sun that i am, i find, in spite (or because) of my organizing urge becoming more and more fascinated by the atypical - not that which is so unusual that it completely breaks the system of organization completely; but that which with its line of flight away from type reveals a way outside easy categories. they type is not destroyed but this line of flight but is instead revealed to be a construct. i am not so fascinated by simple contradictions between opposites- like when darkness and light or rich and poor collide. these in a certain way are expected collisions. it is the release of the unexpected in a gesture of freedom and individuality reaching out but not quite outside the ‘order’ that i am taken up with. these movements can never be captured to become mainstream or marginal. they resist slotting and indexing.
as a corollary to that, i don't seem to like work that is too competently resolved. here, resolution might mean a competent assembly of parts to achieve a pre-stated objective. like joining the dots. the residue of what lies outside/ because / in spite of the competence of the assembly and does not fit is what i enjoy. thats not to say that i like things grungy or dusty because there you can feel the 'grain of the wood'- a supposedly transcendental experience in itself. but honestly there is a little of that too. if there is one thing that angers me though is the reduction of the experience of the work to being merely an example of some meta-narrative regarding its political content. like it represents something in a larger historical graph and actually has only existence within the tight boundaries of that frame of reference. i love it when the work resists this and slips through revealing other realities.

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