Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the hole. kharghosh

the breach of a boundary in between two apartments in a dank decrepit apartment building in taiwan opens up the possibility of tenderness between strangers. there is absolutely no outside to this world of interiors where the rain pours in and novelty songs that mimic american 1950’s musicals are performed with glee. meanwhile over the television set- the only window to the world outside – dire warnings are announced about the end of the world as water runs out and a fever grips the population that turns them into roaches.

we went for the premier of kharghosh at a preview theater in fun republic. a young boy scurries in between a handsome young man and his lover carrying letters to and fro. along the way he grows up too. i loved the scene where we walk behind the girl as she steps down to the men waiting for her; and the green room that opens out suddenly to golden fields and a forest.

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