the first being a ‘garden’- a space removed from and therefore assimiliating and reconfiguring crawford market in front of paul’s room. the fountain becomes a pile of cartons and crates with objects gushing out at the top.

and the second is the highlight of the beautification project in our neighborhood. lic colony and ic colony are both not really marathi dominated and this wonderful woman stand at the junction in between these- one a christian dominated old village and the other a huge state built colony that was home to many middle class migrants in the 1970s. the slum near dahisar river nearby is however very marathi dominated- or at least is made to be by the vociferous shiv sena rhetoric that becomes its voice. shubha raul is after all from our constituency. the shiv sena first set up signboards outside each of the lanes of lic colony, then shubha raul came for local recreation club events- and now this beautification project that marathi-izes and hindu-izes an area that was earlier definitely not part of the right wing hindutva rhetoric of the rest of gujarati dominated borivili. in the last election we voted in govinda instead of ram naik after years of bjp domination- now from what i see around maybe its sena time.
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