the iudi conversation on 'alternatives to the master plan'

mitali from the first year who won the gold in the commonwealth chess championship
in college the soap opera of the school continues. tears flow, tempers rise and it constantly seems like the world is falling apart at the seams- what with workshops where magic and music, graphic novels and the ubiquitous btech all compete for space- along with the cinema city exhibition being readied for berlin and the ‘looking east’ conference on asian cities. us looking at them?? regardless the chinese and the taiwanese guests were wonderful. joan du spoke of the shenzen area; professor shih wei lou of time and sheng huang showed his beautiful warm work` with a sense of humor that was most refreshing. especially after watching so many traumatized urban design proposals to save the cities of india. the recondition of design is assumed to be a problem- which means that the only way to see cities is through trauma. trying this. this is not to say that all is hunky dory. btu our resolutions to the conflicts within cities is always then based on some presumptions of what can solve them- and in the urban designers vocabulary these are – connectivity, merging, uniformity. this reminds me of the undisciplined city conference and the fundamentally unresolvable conflict between the vitality of the city and the static nature of policy.
as you can imagine, it is social life time all around too. medha is getting married in february and the kelwan was held in borivili which i could not attend because of the annuals. we met them the next day though along with the rest of the family.

and later we were surprised by kiran, karen, alison and feroz along with kiran’s girlfriend jessie from australia.
feroz, kiran, jessie, karen and alison
bhiwandi! did you go to any of the internal streets...some of the few ones not leading from the main street (with the silly flyover using which you can literally fly over the city).
see you soon :):)
your balcony is beautiful. I always imagine people having a happy time in that balcony.
sweetheart we are also east (as opposed to the west) - so we are looking at ourselves - along with our neighbours! this has in some ways started a new chapter in our lives!!
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