there is badminton being played again in the court in front of my house. it was through a long process of consolidation that this open patch of ground was concverted step by step over many years into a badminton court with lights in the years when i was growing up. the annual badminton tournament used to be quite the highlight of the years events. from all over the western suburbs players used to arrive and crowds used to throng the court cheering and jeering. i remember my mother and john the most beautiful partnership on court. my mother in the front of the court with a delicate net game and john leaping all over the back court. they were lovely to watch. bhavya and his bimanagar youngsters folllow in that legacy but with rock music interludes and men playing with floaters on (my mother is horrified). the girls (though i did not watch them play)m reportedly are too busy chewing gum to bother with the game. but still some players are lovely to watch. and its great to see the court coming alive agian after decades of dormancy caused by the enthusiastic moving on to other things and the onset of satellite television.
and then..
planning the tournament at my house - mom, john, madhavi mami

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