the godrej compound in vikhroli is a strange surreal landscape of horizons on all sides and a swanky new auditorium in the middle of mangroves and salt pans, industrial leftovers on the creek, the hills of ghatkopar with the slums that climb them. naresh told me a story of the plane crash there with american foreign correspondents. the dutch might have been to blame.:) later he spoke of the history of jazz in bombay. and there were more- gyan on the writing of history, namita devidayal on the music room of her childhood and now her sons journey into the same streets. she spoke of dhondutai and it reminded me of padmatai who also grew up on the same street in kolhapur. kabi came from los angeles- an ex-taxi driver who told migration stories of the bombay taxi guys and spoke of authenticity and presence. i was part of the post lunch session that started with rahul and matias who spoke of the 'natural city' - not quite an organic city. nature as a metaphor. joi barua sang assamese rock and spoke of making it big in mumbai, while tanisshta chatterjee of her new film 'bombay summer'. post tea was neatly divided into debates about cyber space and public protest by nishant along with rajni bakshi speaking of global public licences; and neera and shaeen speaking of education and ngos very earnestly. and between all of that was some terrific ani difranco and melissa etheridge cover by alisha. homi bhabha did the best he could by making ideas of space/ time - transactional and transitional as themes that tied us all together. that was saturday.
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