Friday, February 18, 2005

the architecture of the impossible dream

RK Studios Reconstruction

Check Naka


Urban Design Research Institute

what you see above ar some of the examples of the entrants for the 'charles correa gold medal' from the other colleges of the city. while some of them are just plain ordinary buildings with terribly overstuffed architecture, some others were perhaps interesting programs that were completely overwhelmed by the scale of the building chosen.

none of them were particularly- dare i say it - 'philosophical' in their approach. the projects veered between banal functionalism and self-aggrandizing formalism. what worries me is that those two approaches seem to be the only ones that architects seem to imagine performing themselves, even when they have been give the authority to imagine an unfettered possibility.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in line with what ur saying.......
i dont think making architecture ... a "techinal" subject helps either.....