john and mary bought a new flat in lic- two lanes away from ours and one lane away from his. it was good to meet them again after such a long time. we spent some time in the flat wondering what kind of work it is going to take to make it habitable for the both of them and joanna- which is basically- new floor, new windows, new bathroom and upgraded kitchen.
there is something so nice about flats in lic. though on the fourth floor without having a lift, the unusual configuration of the rooms makes for terribly interesting living patterns. like that strange half room that works like a bridge piece in the building or the floor to 7' windows with lower ventilators, or that niched wall which makes alternate storage in adjoining rooms. must try and get some plans to show my fourth year kids.
give johnna and mary my congratulations and love. this is their old flat only? or the next door one. i know only that they were going to get a flat in the same building.
fourth floor must be flat with terrace no?
tell johnna he missed my birthday, okay.
theyre both looking lovely. miss you all.
hi rohan
pass on my congratulations to john/mary and joanna.tell john uska dost frm chennai still remembers him and wishing them all the best for the future
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