Sunday, January 22, 2006

sunday afternoon dream adventure

what does it mean if you are in a dream where you have donned the persona of a modern day tatya tope illustration in a marathi text book on a journey across great perils with no money in your pocket;

where a damsel in distress (who looks like a south indian actress) that you see in the half lit interior of the ship in which you have hitched a ride ends up by your side in a party on a lawn in front of a white punjabi baroque façade with tons of mercedes benzes parked in bad hindi film night lighting;

where you are stuck on the top of a truck in the middle of a river with a bunch of strangers and live on international television; sitting on the wooden edge of a floor that is systematically flooding (it was an accident with this barge that is causing a flood in slovenia and it is your fault;

where you have to make a decision between what to save- your life or the red shoes that you bought in amritsar close to you as you place in them in the water and they float away - and if they do- your feet are going to freeze in slovenia further down the river.

there is another man who you see everyday in the half lit interior of the ship- this exact replica of you who acts as the gatekeeper- initially a little annoyed by your presence which he sees as a pollution of the sanctity of the space, but gets friendlier as time goes on- and mexico- the final destination gets closer.

what does it mean when the dream in interrupted at the point when at the punjabi baroque party a comic strip is revealed that chronicled your adventures around the world through the letters you wrote home to your mother?

and in the image you stand victorious slightly left of center of the long horizontal black and white frame holding a small knife up high in a gesture of victory? around you there are doe eyed african women in leopard skin on banana leaves around a campfire in a cave while the men folk are in the corner shadows wearing leaves as skirts and skull and bones as ornament.

mukul says freud says that feet and the covering of the feet are a sure fire symbol of phallic something or the other.

i just think that i have read too many comic books and seen too many middle career dharmendra films.


sundarsonal said...

whye don't i have dreams like this?! i had silly dream in which i had to make some white fairy disappear by throwing powdered blue ink on her like some NIrma or RIN ad!!

Mukul said...

oh i love dreams that leave you with a lingering feeling long after you've woken up - its been years since i had one like that!

Anonymous said...

i want to have dream where i can kick nirma girl as she is doing her uturn