shriya at the pooja

the chawls waiting to be demolished
a pooja at the malyali samaj mandir organised by shyam and deepa. the building is a fours storied apartment building on the fringes of lic colony surrouned by the low rise chawls that are going to vanish in the next few months to be replaced by swanky apartment towers. the scale that these gave the area was lovely though i must say that the quality of the houses left a lot to be desired. i remember that this was the place the khare kept his dogs - the training center and also the place where that anglo indian family lived - i have forgotten all their names- except ryan(?)

sunita maushi at home yesterday evening. her brilliant advice on how to get rid off parents who are after you to get married. 'get married and annul the marraige in two months- no one will be after you after that.'

shyam at his place today. he is in the country visiting his wife and kid. this is the only time i will be meeting him as tomorrow i leave for bangalore.
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